Monday, April 25, 2011


A few days ago Cori asked us if we wanted to go on a group date with her and her friend Paul, and Ammon and his wife Lacey. Of course I thought it would be a TON of fun. It usually is interesting getting together with my siblings. We decided to go to a Salt Lake Bee's baseball game. They decided to drive up to Sandy area and take trax the rest of the way. Since one of the stops is across the street from our apartment I asked them to get off at that stop and we would meet them and ride the rest of the way with them. The weather was freezing cold but it was a lot of fun!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Ry's Rising Star Party...

After a wish is granted by Make a Wish they have a party for the child who had their wish granted. Last night we went to Rykert's party. I am loving seeing how grown up my little Ry is becoming.
Once getting there we went into the auditorium where they showed us a short video all about Make a Wish... We were then given a tour of the facility.
 After our tour we went back to the the auditorium for refreshments and so that Ry could decorate his star for his big moment. Refreshments were some of Ry's favorite things. We had a cake, a bunch of gummy things (bears, worms, sharks), fruit tray and vegetable trays.
 Now comes time for Ry's big moment.... I tried to video tape it but it ended up not recording... 

Saturday, April 9, 2011

My Day Alone

So on Thursday afternoon I dropped Eric off at the ROTC house so that he could go for his final. I decided to spend a little time at my mom's home before coming back home... Once getting home my fun with the dogs started. Bostyn was running all over the place and was super hyper! I attempted to finally get her to fall asleep around 1 am... I of course failed at this attempt and finally decided that I had had enough so she went into her kennel. The dogs wouldn't let me sleep in so I was up early and decided to start watching Army Wives... which I must say is a pretty good show! All the while the dogs are playing and going crazy around me. I looked down to see what they were up to and thankfully I had my camera right by me...
Eric brought this little dog bed home a few days ago for Loki to use since it wasn't getting used anymore at his friends house... So much for that idea. Bostyn totally destroyed it. I picked the stuffing up multiple times but somehow she ended up getting more and more. My livingroom was covered in it... After picking this up a few times this is what I saw...
I spent most of my day watching the dogs running around the livingroom chasing each other and then biting at each other... Who would have thought that would entertain them... I also figured that if I let them out every 45 minutes maybe I would be lucky and not have to clean any messes up... Boy was I wrong. Why is it that as soon as they come in they decide to go to the bathroom on the carpet? It is SUPER frustrating! After hours of running around here are the next set of pictures...
Finally some peace and quiet! Of course any time that I moved Bostyn was up and running around. Finally before bed I decided to take them out one last time. They went out and peed and I let them back in once they wanted in... About 5 minutes later I smelled the worst smell in all the world! Of course Bostyn was responsible for a HUGE pile of poo laying in the livingroom floor. I feel kinda bad about my reaction but hopefully after pushing her nose semi deep in it she will learn her lesson. By this time I am EXTREMELY tired of dealing with her so here she is...
And here she will stay for the rest of the night because I am not dealing with her jumping all over me tonight while I attempt to get some rest... And of course when I went to put her in the kennel I just had to take this picture of Loki and yes this is basically how he sleeps every night (however I did pull the covers up a little so that I could get this picture)...
Only 12 more hours until Eric comes home! I can't wait to see him and spend the rest of the weekend in his arms cuddling!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Mr. and Mrs....

Well we actually went through with it! Eric and I got paid yesterday so we decided to head down to Provo to get our marriage license. We figured we had a month to get married in from the time we bought the license, I am sure we could get some one to marry us by then (we had been leaving messages at the courthouse trying to arrange a judge to marry us... of course we had had no luck getting a returned phone call)... After getting the license we figured we had a little bit of time before I was going to babysit for my friend Angela. We went over to the 4th District Court and went to see if it would be easier to arrange a time in person. We got to the counter and the lady was SUPER helpful! She went to see if she could find someone who would know a judges schedule. She brought back with her a guy that worked for one of the judges. He told us that it was lunch time so he would run up and see what the judges schedule was like for the rest of the day. A few minutes later he came back down with Judge Davis who was more than willing to take us right up to his court room (Room 301) and marry us right away. He went off to find us another witness and we met him up in his room. With in a few minutes Eric and I were married! How crazy is that!!! I never would have thought that I would be getting married when I got out of bed and got ready (obviously you can tell by what I was wearing)...
My friend Angela took this picture right after she found out about us getting married... So about 30 minutes after it happened.... It happens to be the only picture we have from the big day...
So... for those who want proof that this event really did occur... Here is the proof you guys want to see:

Our Babies...

I will be the first to admit that I am not a big dog fan... I grew up with cats... My family had one dog and she was not the normal type of jumpy dog... That is what I hate about dogs, they love to jump all over people and somehow they seem to know that I hate it and so I am the victim most of the time... Eric has had Loki for about 9 months now and Loki has always had "friends" to play with and was not really liking being left alone while we were gone to work and school so we decided to get him a friend... I am guessing that right about now he is wishing that he was alone!

So on March 5th, after the whole proposal thing Eric and I went looking around for a friend for him. I tried to convince Eric that a cat was the best bet... however I lost. Instead we ended up bringing Bostyn home with us.

Loki is a pretty calm dog that honestly is a lot like a cat. Bostyn on the other hand is all puppy! She is all over the place! She LOVES Eric and wants to be by him all the time, especially when it is bedtime. She squeezes her way in between us and I am never allowed to be by Eric... Hopefully she learns soon!

These are some of the things we have witnessed with our two dogs:
Bostyn, our American Bulldog, gets into everything... Including Eric's sock...
Eric and I brought the dogs in the car with us to get them out of the house. We ran in to an appointment. I came out to the car a little while later and this is what I found... What it doesn't show is that when I first came out Bostyn was on top of him. My guess is that Bostyn was annoying him and so Loki tried to get away by crawling into Eric's jacket. He ended up getting stuck in the sleeve and it took a while to get him out. I guess in the end Bostyn won!
This is what Loki has to put up with... Bostyn will not leave him alone. If he goes back in the bedroom to take a nap she is soon in there searching for him.


On the Saturday before Valentine's day Eric and I decided to go and look at rings and see what was out there and what I liked. After looking around at a few stores I saw this ring and fell in love with it! Eric purchased it and then we had to wait for a week or so for it to be sized... Eric and his friend went and picked it up and then I attempted to wait patiently for him to propose. He took my car to get it and made sure that I knew he had put it in my glove box...

On March 5th he finally decided to propose... I hadn't been feeling the greatest so I was laying on the couch when I heard him tell his dog Loki to come and see me... I ignored it but his dog kept coming over to me... Finally I looked up and he told me that he had been trying to get the dog to come and see me because my ring was on the dog's collar. Oops! What a cute idea... Too bad I didn't pick up on it soon enough!

ROTC Banquet...

Every year the BYU and UVU ROTC meet together for a banquet. Eric was required to attend and was requested to bring a date.... Truthfully men should never be put in charge of planning these things because Eric was informed of this about a week in advance. It was also a formal thing and so I was only given about a week to find a formal dress, which can be kinda hard to do, especially when I am so short and have to get formals hemmed. Luckily I was able to find a dress and find someone who was able to hem it...

Our New Apartment...

At the beginning of March Eric and I found us an apartment up in Murray... Here are the before pictures... Once I actually do a little decorating I will post some cute after pictures...

Rykert's Parade

My nephew Rykert was diagnosed last summer with Duchenne muscular dystrophy. This has been something that has been hard on my family... I have always considered him my little miracle because he has really helped me. He was born 22 May 2006 and my dad passed away on 1 July 2006 and I got divorced 28 August 2006. Spending time with him has really helped me get over the crap that has happened in my life. For him I am extremely grateful! A few months ago my brother got the idea to submit Ry's name to Make a Wish... On Feb 28th his wish was granted. When they grant a wish they make a HUGE deal out of it. They had a fire truck come into his street... They picked him up and let him ride in the truck, sound the siren, and play with the hose and spray the water...Thank you so much for making Ry's wish come true!
Just in case you couldn't tell... His wish was to go to Disney World to ride on the roller coasters...

Birthday Fun...

My sister Cori and I love celebrating our birthday's together... We were born one year and one week apart and grew up sharing parties. So on the Friday after mine and the Friday before hers we had our big family get together. We decided to go bowling and out to eat... The babies were down for the weekend so they got to share in the fun...

Valentine's Day...

Eric is simply amazing! He decided that he wanted to send me something at work... I was a bit nervous because of the whole who knows what would happen if people knew we were dating... Valentines Day came and I was wondering what he was really going to do...
He sent me a dozen roses... and a note that said "Happy Valentine's Day! I'm sending you these dozen roses, eleven real one fake to say I will love you until the last one dies. Your Love." HOW CUTE!!!
So then I came back to work the next morning to find this...
I am thinking someone is not very happy about what they got (or in her case didn't get) for Valentines...
So I have a few pictures that we have taken that I have not been able to put on my other blog for certain reasons... Plus now that my blog is completely full I figure that I will put them up on this blog and tell a bit about some of them....

Feb 10th:

Fun with Chad, Angela and kids...

So my cousin Chad came out here for work/to see his girlfriend Angela... While he was out here Eric and I met up with them for dinner and then a night at Trafalga.... Here are a few of the pictures taken from the fun we had...