Monday, August 29, 2011

ER Visit...

So my shoulder has been hurting me for about a week now and nothing has been done to it... Eric finally dragged me next door into the ER to get things checked out. I went back and they asked all the standard questions about what I had done to it... stuff like that. I guess since I had no explanation and since I haven't done anything they started asking if there were any heart conditions in my family. Suddenly they were super concerned about my heart... and since my dad had some freak thing happen with his heart that killed him... I of course was totally freaking out over something being wrong with my heart. They did an EKG which came back normal and all is well... They decided that I just have muscle strains...

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Rainy Night Fun

Tonight we had the best rain storm I have seen in quite a while. The rain just poured down and kept coming. Bostyn just sat and watched out the window not sure what to think...

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Greatest Thing Ever!!!

Once upon a time there was a little girl who was learning to read. Her parents decided to give her an incentive. They told her for a certain number of books that she read she would get something she really loved.... This sounded like a great idea to this little girl... Soon she began reading as much as she could and getting the thing she loved... Here she is over 20 years later and finally found this thing again...
Fried Pickles...Welcome back my dear friend!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Doggy Jail...

Well we finally found Bostyn... She ended up getting picked up soon after she took off and spent the night in doggy jail. I really wish I would have taken a picture of her while behind bars but here she is after getting picked up and home...

Monday, August 15, 2011

Weekend At Charlie's

Eric and I spent the weekend over at his "friend" Charlie's house taking care of the animals while he was gone to a tournament. We loaded the dogs up in the car and spent the weekend there. On Sunday Eric let Bostyn out and off she took to explore... we spent the rest of the day looking for her all over the neighborhood... Of course she was nowhere to be found....

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Stake BBQ

Eric and I came down to visit my family tonight and ended up going to the annual Grandview East Stake BBQ... This year they had some really fun blow up toys for the kids, which Ry and Lilly LOVED!